Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Virtual Fairground Announces Alice in Wonderland MMO

Virtual Fairground Alice in Wonderland

Virtual Fairground, a company which produces MMO games, has announced that they are currently producing an Alice in Wonderland themed game. MMO in this case stands for "Massively Multiplayer Online" games (which makes me think of World of Warcraft first).

The game will run entirely in Flash and as such will work in any browser and is slated for release in 2010. Maybe Flash will work on an iPhone by then - we can only hope. The Virtual Fairground press release states that they're looking to create an alternative virtual world aimed at girls. Apparently MMO games for girls are normally sugary sweet and they want to build something more mysterious and dark.

Interested parties can visit the Alice in Wonderland MMO to get on their mailing list. This, along with Disney's Alice in Wonderand game, and the Return of American McGee's Alice, looks to be quite the megafrenzy. I made that word up just now to describe it. Pretty cool, huh?

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